A new photo project

As you may know, I am a keen photographer. One of the ways to keep going out and taking photos is to have a project. My latest project is called Fragments etc.

As Sherlock Holmes once said to Dr Watson "you see, but you do not observe." Photography helps you observe your surroundings. To search for things that you wouldn't normally notice. 

This is a project about fragments. Fragments from cities. Fragments that are perhaps down side streets, or above the eye line. Fragments that have interesting shapes, colours and textures.

These photos are predominantly taken with Kodak Elite Chrome slide film.

Kodak recently announced that they would stop production

This is a shame, as slide film produces the most beautiful colours and detail. It has something about it that no digital camera can quite reproduce. 

The other advantage of using film is that it costs you money every time you click the shutter and so I am more careful with my shots. I think about them more.

I have managed to buy quite a few rolls in advance of its imminent delisting from the Kodak range.

Here is a selection of some images.


Some statistics


Another nail in the coffin for Flash