The Jotter - issue 23

“It’s better to create something that others criticise than to create nothing and criticise others.”

Rick Gervais

(Thank you Karen Grave for the tweet).

Dear jotterers

This post is scheduled to publish just as I’ll be entering the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery to see the joyous, life-affirming experience of Grayson’s Art Club.

But isn’t Friday a work day? Not all of the time. Sometimes it will be now known as Friplay. I can’t claim that this is my phrase. As you will see from the Jim Jarasmuch quote below, we mustn’t conceal our thievery and I have no intention of doing so.

The inspirational storyteller, Ian Sanders, first coined the phrase and I am proud to say I’m copying him.

Talking of stories …

On Monday 7th February 2022 I read three stories about stories. One in a book, one on a blog and one in a newspaper. The three stories span 70,000 years. From the cognitive revolution, via Goya and the ‘Greater Fool’ theory, to Boris Johnson.

The stories prompted me to think about the difference between believable stories and true stories.

They reminded why believable stories aren’t enough. That the only worthwhile stories are those that are honest. That are true to you. From your heart. 

Share those and you will find a group of people with whom it will resonate. They will nod their heads, support you and thank you. 

You will have a tribe.

I hope your Friplay is a good one.


01, Business

My good friends at From You To Me are celebrating 15 years of sharing personal stories and have written something that every business owner will knowingly nod at.

02, Cultural catalyst

Without Anthony H Wilson, our culture would be very, very different. I discovered this ode last week: “a beautiful tune and worthy tribute.

03, Good egg

The talented and fine example of a human being, Matt Inwood, has raised over £2000 for The Trussell Trust by sharing his wisdom on photography.

The next one is on 5th March.

04, Quote

Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.

Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows.

Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic.

Authenticity is invaluable: originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it.”

Jim Jarmusch

05, Photography

Périphérique’ by Mohamed Bourouissa. Richly detailed photos of tense scenes made in the Paris banlieues.

See also ‘Portrait of a Generation’ by JR.

06, Cards for humanity.

A practical tool to help you design more inclusively.

07, Design

A calendar which celebrates “the power of the printed page and the value of collaboration.” It is very nice to look at.

08, Zen Motoring

I originally stumbled on Zen Motoring on YouTube and was delighted to discover that there is now a series on BBC Three. His ultra-considerate driving and commentary makes me smile.

09, Work.

February has seen an influx of lots of new work, which is nice. There is one website launch I can share this month and it’s a community one for Saxon RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association). I also enjoyed a Monday morning taking photos of happy riders, horses and volunteers.

Intensive work on the Original Collection websites continues and with a fair wind the Widbrook Grange one may be ready in March. I also began working on a new website for a convent in Cornwall. The variety of my work never ceases to amaze me!

Thank you for reading the February Jotter. The next one will alight on Friday 25th March at 11am. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy listening to the birds getting increasingly vocal.




The Jotter - issue 24


Three stories about stories